We presented the first issue

Last Thursday, 19, we presented the first issue of Zéjel: Art, Literature and Thought Magazine, in the house-museum Casa de las Sirenas (House of the Mermaids,) located in the heart of the beautiful Alameda de Hércules neighborhood of Seville. It was a great pleasure for the whole team to see the interest that Zéjel stirs in the public, and to be able to share with all of the attendees the physical issue, a publication that represents the materialization of months of work and the beginning of what we hope will be a long-lasting endeavor.
Several poets from Issue I joined us at the event, such as the featured artists from the «Visual Arts» section, and Antonio M. Vileya, whose review of Miguel Floriano can also be found in the magazine. We can’t forget about all the other excellent artists who collaborated on this issue but found themselves too far from Seville to make it to the event.
At the presentation, the editors Juan Carlos Polo Zambruno, Narciso Raffo Navarro, David Roldán Eugenio, and although not physically present since she is currently in the United States, Julia Vasta, presented the project and made public the first physical issue of the magazine.
Afterward, several participating poets recited their published texts, turning the presentation into more than a mere expository act of the contents of Issue I, but a poetic event in itself. We projected a recorded recitation of one of the two new original translations of Donald Hall‘s poetry, and concluded the first public act of Zéjel: Art, Literature and Thought Magazine with a presentation of the featured photograph of the «Visual Arts» section of Issue I.
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